Domestic Orders Over $99 SHIP FREE!


How do I know if my order has shipped?

  • If you created an account, you can simply log in to check the status of your order. If you forgot your account information, follow the prompts to reset and validate your information from the email sent OR contact our customer service team to get assistance (HELP@SHOP32GANG.COM)

When will my order ship?

  • On average, your order will ship 5-7 business days from when the order was placed. Peaks in volume can affect these averages by a few days.

I never got a confirmation email...what now?

  • Check your JUNK / SPAM folder. If you still don’t see your email, please contact our customer service team (HELP@SHOP32GANG.COM) with the following information:
  1. First and Last Name
  2. Full address (House #, Street, Town, ZIP code)

What countries do you ship to?

We currently ship to the United States & Canada - To enquire about shipping to a different destination, please contact us.

My package has been returned to sender...what now?

  • Contact Customer Service (HELP@SHOP32GANG.COM) with your order number and your complete CORRECT address. We will wait until the package is successfully received back at 32 GANG HQ prior to purchasing another shipping label to get it back out to the proper address.

My package got sent back / I still in drawing?

  • Most Definitely! Merchandise delivery and sweepstakes entries are two totally separate processes. Immediately following the completion of an order on our website two critical things happen.
  • Your entries are automatically submitted to our Sweepstakes Administrator (Official Rules Here)
  • Your merchandise order is transmitted through to one of our varying facilities, where our teams will begin to produce your items and get them ready for shipment to you. 

I got my order but some items are wrong...what now?

  • We strive for perfection, but mistakes do happen! contact us at HELP@SHOP32GANG.COM and we will rectify the issue. Be sure to include your order # when you contact our customer service team.

I messaged on social platforms but haven'theard back...?

  • Due to extremely high traffic on Facebook and Instagram we are unable to manage all of our customers questions in an orderly fassion, so we do not answer order specifc questions via social media. If you have any order specific questions, please contact our customer service team HELP@SHOP32GANG.COM

I emailed customer service but haven'theard back...why?

At times we deal with large influxes of customer demand, and occasionally an email can slip through the cracks. Please do us a favor and re-send the email as we are passionate and dedicated to servicing your needs to our best ability!

Still looking for answers?

If the answers you're looking for aren't in our FAQ, please send us an email by completing the form below.